Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Fed Rate Hike Will Increase Your Credit Card Payment-How to Reduce

The U.S. Central Reserve Bank is expected to raise interest rates by .25% in the next month. According to the June Credit Card Report there will be an increased $10 billion in credit care balances and $2.2 billion in interest payments. This means that carrying debt will be more costly to you soon. There are ways to get a handle on this before it gets out of control.

We spend entirely too much on credit cards, save too little, and invest almost nothing. At least that is the way it is for some people. To get a handle on your credit card debt means finding new patterns of spending.

-Stop spending except on things you need.
-Opt for a debit cards or cash.
-Cut out a few expensive activities and apply to your balance monthly.
-Put together a budget and designate a percentage you can use toward paying your balance.
-Use savings to pay off your balance and save the interest rate.
-Use your credit card for emergencies.
-Sell items you don't need or are cluttering your garage and you don't use to apply to the balance.
-Get a second job.

Do you have the right personality for your career?

Students enter college often picking their careers from things they saw in the movies, based on course load, and because their friends told them it will be "cool". This is an interesting video on determining your personality and how it relates to your career.  It is helpful to think about yourself while watching this video and relate it to your personality.

For example, being a professor may need complexity because they have high cognitive function. Scientists and artists may crave creativity. The video then moves into the entreprenuerial spirit and the eventual switch to more detailed oriented people. It further goes on to outlay an argument for both.

Lots of other "tid bits" of knowledge.


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Augmenting Military Education by Hiring Online Educators

Online education is making its way throughout the higher education world. Particularly, the military has been adopting online education in their approach to training soldiers but they do not always understand how to teach such concepts as effectively as possible. The movement to online education does create new challenges for military education. There may be a case for hiring online professors into the military for developing "in-house" curriculum.

We should first understand that military education will never be 100% online because there is the need to train physically and in person to establish close social bonds among platoon mates. Likewise, there will be a need to train with specific types of equipment, weapons, and movements that rely on physical presence. Online education augments and enhances many of the traditional approaches.

It is possible to augment education, and a big part of this education, to further knowledge. For example, students that are working in part within logistics and supply can use online education to understand inventory, movement of goods, and simulated problems. A similar idea can be applied to other fields as well.

The same can be said for troop movement and coordination. While much of this is done online, at an officer level, it will be important to learn the background of why these movements are adopted. The same can be said for strategy and general management where theory and "hands on" experience are needed.

A study of Canada's Military indicates that online technologies are not being fully utilized because many of the instructors don't know how to teach online, are rooted in classical military traditions, and learning technologies may be adapting too quickly for the slower military system (Scoppio & Covell, 2016).

There is a need for skilled online practitioners within the ranks of the U.S. military. There are fundamental differences in learning styles between the ground based and online modalities. Hiring online instructors may be a worthwhile investment for the military as they develop the curriculum needed for the next century.

Military education could be enhanced if we integrate online and ground based "field" learning to solidify the concepts. They can work in parallel where those skilled in actual hands on experience train in real time while those who are more skilled in online education can enhance and deepen the soldiers knowledge base. The learning curriculum will need to be designed to develop and update military abilities in a well coordinated manner.

Scoppio, G. & Covell, L. (2016). Mapping Trends in Pedagogical Approaches and Learning Technologies: Perspectives from the Canadian, International, and Military Education Contexts. The Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 46 (2).

Video on Trading ETFs

Students in Online Quantitative Methods Courses Earn Grades Slightly Lower than Face-to-Face Students

Who says that online education isn't difficult? According to a study of upper level quantitative methods courses it was found that students in the online course earned 17% less points/grade than those in the face-to-face course (Verhoeven & Wakeling, 2011). The authors contend that there may be some differences in effectiveness but there may be other issues as well.

First, students in the U.S. often have problems in math and quantitative measurements. It is something that even confuses doctors. They may need more intensity to learn these concepts. It can be tough if you can't ask questions, receive clarification, or have someone who can go back on a problem.

There could also be a difference between those who opt for an online versus ground based course. If the student doesn't live in the area, has a busy schedule, or doesn't like to drive the campus they may experience more distractions that limit their ability to study.

Furthermore, it is also possible that the delivery methods used in the course are not as strong as they should be. Many public universities have only recently adopted online education and may not be able to move out of their traditional roles to change their learning style or implement technologies (like online math tutorials) or office hours to help students get over the "math hump".

Thus, online learning must be designed well to maximize its benefits or otherwise there may be risks in learning effectiveness. However, those who can go through an online educational course, receive high grades, and maintain their persistence have show some positive traits when compared to those in a traditional setting that received a similar grade.

Verhoeven, P. & Wakeling, V. (2011). Student Performance In A Quantitative Methods Course Under Online And Face-To-Face Delivery. American Journal of Business Education (Online), 4 (11).