Saturday, April 21, 2018

Pictures of Lafayette Cemetery in New Orleans

One of the reasons why this style of cemetery persisted in New Orleans is because the area is 4 feet under sea level and flooding can uproot graves. If you are in New Orleans look up Lafayette Cemetery as it it is one of the most frequently visited sites in the area.

The Conscious States When Great Ideas Come

The conscious state where creativity often happens can be described as quiet, solemn, introspective, reflective and wondering. When the brain makes new and unique connections that solve problems it must use a new pathway. This can be difficult if one is chronically interrupting this process with too much stimulus.

Find a quiet pace, somewhere that is more reflective like nature, and give yourself enough time to calm down. Allow thoughts to roll in and out much like you are meditating. With enough time new ideas will emerge that start to give insight into the nature of a problem and its potential solutions.

1. Calm and quiet

2. Open-minded

3. Clear mind not distracted.

4. Early mornings and nights are more common.

5. When a level of previous knowledge has already been gained.

6. Nature

Thursday, April 19, 2018

New Orleans Graveyards as Popular Tourist Destinations

Graveyards are popular tourist destinations while in New Orleans. The Catholic Church has graciously allowed tourists to come and pay their respects. The architecture dates back to when the French and Spanish owned the area. To me, such sites, are places to visit because they remind me of our limited time here and the need to have some purpose or goal that makes the world a better place.

The Benefits of Attending Conferences

Conferences offer opportunities to connect with faculty in your field, industry stature, stay on top of industry changes, share research and travel.Occasionally, I attend these conferences and hope to do so more in the future. The knowledge I learn is invaluable and contributes to university health.

Connect with Faculty: Engage and connect with faculty that have similar research and business interests.

Industry Stature: As you connect with other faculty members you also lean about new opportunities, activities, and practices.

Industry Changes:  Industries always change so staying on top of them is important. This is even more important if you are in administration.

Travel: Travel is  key bonus of conferences so you get to explore new areas.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Pictures of the Bayou-Touring Nature and the "Bog"!

When I travel the environment becomes part of my destination. One of the ways to move outside to smell the pristine air and foliage of the outdoors.  Experiencing the natural landscape before human development it is necessary to separate yourself from the relics of these societies. In my opinion, if you only frequent popular tourist attractions you are missing out on a very important underbelly that formed the nucleus of local culture.

Enjoy some pictures of the Bayou. Crocodiles, turtles, birds, snakes, and rodent life exist in the swampy forest.  As you walk along an embankment it becomes strikingly clear that you are surrounded by a theater of "real" life and activity. The early French settlers would have seen the very same thing.