Monday, November 25, 2024

Dehumanization Thought Experiment Rethink. Totally Wicked!

Sometimes when exploring an idea in hypothetical you can become aware of the potential risks and therefore need to be mindful of the possibilities of it all. Thus, sometimes instead of taking a narrow focused lens, which was started in that way, we now should think more broadly. The risks of the dehumanization thought experiment could be true under certain rules and expectations. Untrue/unlikely in others. Further, we might struggle to learn from history so some of the best ideas go silent and stop signs ignored.  

However, let us just explore more broadly because the conversation is an important one to strengthen those values in which most of us believe and that which should be our northern star going forward (We can sort of put the others on hold for a moment.). Its just important to think about even though such conversations are sort of frowned on (not sure why because they can help us as a society.).

In the hypothetical example used much of the mistreatment of others was based in the interpersonal clan based relationships that impacted institutional decision processes as it relates to some victims/targets. The degrees of perceived differences seemed to make a big difference in outcomes even though these were very superficial in nature (There are differences but from the same clan origin). Likewise, social heirarchy (first and second or hometown team) may also have impacted outcomes.

According to this study dehumanization occurs in interpersonal relationships. When you read the study think about what that means if some hold values designed to strip the dignity of others and in turn have the power to force misaligned outcomes. 

Dehumanization: Beyond Intergroup to the Interpersonal

What was the one thing you learn about group hate? 

What did you learn about individual interpersonal hate?

If you want to limit the spread of dehumanization but don't want to have social backlash for having a moral conscious what are some of the small things you can do?

Could there be long term economic consequences if dehumanizaiton spreads?

BTW if you watched Wicked and understood the deeper meaning of the story they are also teaching values of how perception and reality are not always the same just because someone/some people are different or some someone/some poeple want something and talk the loudest. Who doesn't love flying monkeys? There are good people teaching good things out there. 

*This is a hypothetical learning example thought experiment to explore dehumanization. Feel free to take with a grain of salt. Update on Hate to Dehumanization Thought Experiment

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