Thursday, June 1, 2023

Delta County MI Solar Presentation (May 23rd, 2023) : Presentation, Questions, Farm Animals, Tesla and Redundant Electrical Grids!

Tesla: Life and Legacy
Representing the underpinnings of an era.
Most of the meeting was lecture style presentation on solar panel multi use farming. Some of the questions from the attendees related more to ordinances, property values, annexation and contamination. What is interesting is that they brought in a solar expert to help inform people of some of the risks and benefits of solar farming. That helps to create better decision making because residents then have an opportunity to make informed decisions on those things that impact their community and lives. Likewise, you will see people discuss energy diversity and nuclear power. Many of these local issues will likely have parallels in other locations as they pertain to concerns, processes, and discussions of the new emerging Digital Era (i.e. electric cars, nano technology, robotics, space flight, etc.)

We are electrifying our nation and I generally support those efforts because they are renewable and they provide a rich alternative source of energy (They recently became a net positive and will likely increase in their benefit with development). Each community must have an open discussion on what they want and then make a decision as a unit. In that, information must be transparent and forthcoming to make decisions. Democracy works best when people can make informed decisions based on what they think is most helpful for themselves and their society. Lack of accurate information creates problems with effective strategic decision making. 

(From my economics perspectiveI would have liked to see more forecasting of trends within the market. For example, the presentation was on solar itself but what that might look like for this area in 5, 10, 20 years might be difficult but would put a current decision in connection to a strategic line of thinking. There was some referral to the Master Plan. See Maximizing the Influence of Your Forecast)

An idea popped into my head while I was writing this (Its rare but sometimes a descent thought makes its way through the mush into something I can formalize in to actual words. Just after drooling out of the side of my mouth. 🤷). I do believe that some of that energy from solar farms should be designated to the local area/municipalities to create redundancy in the system that protects against future rolling blackouts and/or energy disruptions. 

In a local primary customer approach when issues arise, the residents can rely on local energy supply to make it through the black out/disruption and then revert back over to the regular regional grid when regular power service has been restored (customers wouldn't see a disruption). Likewise, I think some of our local industries might benefit from general grid independence that comes from having local input into some of our local utility approaches (i.e. water treatment, electricity, etc.). 

Preference in local energy before feeding the larger regional grid would be beneficial in general to connecting the benefits directly to the peoples energy security but also to potential reduced costs when one can switch to the lowest cost provider when needed (i.e. solar is a larger sunk initial cost with costs being made up over time, other forms of energy are ongoing cost/benefit. This is also why I want to see the projections.)

Notes: (I only took a few as most was a presentation by MSU prof. I try to be accurate so if there is something that isn't correct please leave a message on the post and I will adjust if it seems to make sense.)

MI. Healthy Carbon Plan that seeks carbon neutrality by 2050.  MI Healthy Climate Plan. There is a lot of interesting stuff in the plan. I only briefed through it so you may want to spend a few minutes and gloss through its main points. These plans influence how policies and strategic initiatives of the state impact choices and decisions to make them realized.

-Investment of solar and batteries and other electric infrastructure. Some of the utilities companies have also created carbon reduction. Grazing and forage production and other options in duel use. Create ordinances that support farming and entrepreneurs.  (I don't mind the farm animals, its the people I'm more concerned about! 😂🙊💨)

-A couple of good questions came forward. One of which is contamination. Referred back to the master plan and where there may be restrictions on solar panels. Someone brought up a good argument about locals receiving some benefit from solar panels. The Prof in this case stated it would be pooled. I think if they reworked these in some way so a percentage of energy was used to help power local businesses and homes it would create greater benefit and salability to local communities. 

-Some discussion on rolling blackouts and some legislation on energy discounts to communities.

-One comm discussed in significant length on farms. 

-Discussion on the value of property when these large farms go in. 

-Resident felt that one person is making all the decisions and its against what people want. 

-Wants people to look at different sources of information. Wants nuclear energy. 

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