Saturday, February 4, 2023

A Few Words on Hate and Good Old Boy Networks

Plato and his conception of the
Republic and Theory of Forms
A lesson from the School of Athens
Our democracy functions best when we have everyone in the national development game. The old paradigms of one's superiority based on genetic background has been debunked (There are differences in families but not these are not race specific.). We are moving toward a new world where the distorted values of the past no longer function well in a modern democracy. While Good Old Boy networks will likely continue forward in many ways, to the detriment of society if overly exclusive, we as a society are learning based out of necessity to be open to the diversity of life and "being". We know we need those differences to be adaptive to our environmental challenges (physically, economically, philosophically, morally).

Hate is a detractor to society and our nation as it robs us of our ability to move forward at full pace and full health. Because hate is often related to mental health, it is not sympathetic or wise to turn a blind eye to behaviors that are obviously designed to damage and separate society. It feeds the disorder and causes bigger problems as poor decisions make their way through a wider chain.

Morally it is intuitive to challenge hate and its destructive intent to divide and sew chaos (based on pro or anti social behaviors as often envisioned through conceptions good vs. evil) and it also makes sense for us challenge it early in order to minimize its negative influence (Simple strategy of understanding and resolving at its lowest root where resources are wisely used.). 

When hate has a sympathetic ear among people who feel they are part of the "inner crowd" the problems become confounded when and if they utilize influence of numbers on local institutions to dominate other families (bigotry mixed with bullying). A sense of entitlement based on false sense of performance shielded through the "leg up" of nepotism. (In other words, they are not really the performers of society. They are just good at talking about it!)

(FYI: Nepotism doesn't allow the best and brightest to come forward and weakens the capacity of our institutions to overcome challenges or fully fulfill their roles. It also falsely skews the resources of society to those who least deserve it. The medicine to nepotism is broad based human capital development and merit based promotion within society. While things don't change overnight, I can say that just keeping that thought in the back of your mind helps round out decisions through more appropriate anchoring.) 

Like I said, the paradigm is beginning to shift and as the smoke clears there will be some left standing on the moral battlefield for America's soul/future and there will be others who cannot handle the illumination from the torch/lantern of truth. Blinded by their narrow vision of the world, they must retreat from the light and lurch down the dark path of ignorance; albeit with a slightly smaller following. The wheat from chaff is determined by the personal choice to take the higher or lower road. 

We used to say, "Don't judge a book by its cover." Somewhere along the line when that comes to people we have discarded such knowledge as unwise. The truth is....none of your business what is behind the cover......treat everyone fairly and let a positive story unfold. The goal of our American story is not to get through any particular chapter or book as quickly as possible but instead to ensure that we keep the narrative of freedom and human dignity central to the meaning of the plot. 

There is a saying from a fundamental philosopher that I believe sort of makes sense here.

 "The worst of all deceptions is self-deception."  Plato

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