Thursday, December 29, 2022

George Santos for Congress? Vetting and Deeper Critical Thinking

George Santos is in a difficult situation and of course we are shocked! 😮😱Yet, we really shouldn't be so horrified when people have been doing this in politics for a long time. That doesn't mean I don't think some level of action should be taken if found guilty of gross dishonesty. It is more of a comment on the importance for Democrats, Republicans and citizens in general to have the highest standards for those who will be making decisions over our nation and lives. 

Our parties might want to put in place some basic vetting and checks for accuracy (Even if there are accidental mistakes) so as to ensure their candidates are worthy (I don't mean this in a negative way but just that there are standards for support) of the support. Likewise, some basic level of vetting and fact checking will help serve voters because they can search out these candidates and obtain accurate information for accurate decision making (Its hard to understand the candidates now and it would be impossible if everyone lied!). 

Let us see what happens. I think he won't get a free pass. People feel a little sensitive that it was very blatant. It wasn't as though he had the wrong date or misspelled a word. Its an issue of ethics at this point. Ethics and Leadership

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