Friday, September 30, 2022

Local Judicial, Law Enforcement and Hate Group Corruption: Ensuring Checks-n-Balances

If you have been targeted by a couple of local police officers, your underage children pulled over multiple times in an unmarked car, a police car parked outside your home, your children targeted for manipulation, a large group of people pick fights and spread rumors to damage you, lost opportunity that the local college said you were "more than qualified" for, there would be a serious break in the legal structure if such behaviors were given a free pass. Looks like a local prosecutor was muted in their investigation of this group (I cant say that 100% but there is some indication they left the area for that reason. Even if not true it detracts nothing from what I have seen.) Worse, as this group was trying to set you up by staging undercover police (These police figured out what they were being manipulated and stopped. They are the good police.) they came to you and said, "We are doing this to you because your family is Muslim" we have what would normally be considered hate crimes of the worst type. Serious Federal and International Law violations.  Lack of enforcement is different than being a violation.

Lack of respect for the Constitution (freedom of religion and speech), children's rights, and the very purpose of law enforcement. First, let me say I support 90% of our law enforcement officials who are doing the right thing. However, when law enforcement engages in criminal corruption with the support of a local judge and group of hate supporters that is a different story. These judges shame the bench, shame good officers, shame the sacrifices of others and lower the perceived value the entire legal institution (This is why corrupt judges should be removed). 

We are down to some very fundamental things as it relates to the purpose of our nation and democracy. We started this country because of the need of these freedoms (i.e. religious persecution in Europe), my family has sacrificed for those freedoms, I have sacrificed for those freedoms, and others have sacrificed for those freedoms. For a corrupt group of bigots to throw that away simply because they want to "protect their own" as "locals" (Not defined by our genetic longevity in the area which is longer than most of theirs.) is unconscionable! 

Its a break in inherent value because you can't get around it and you can't justify it. Outside Federal and State stakeholders must come in and enforce our Federal laws. Without that the risks to my family and to myself continue to rise. No matter which way you slice or dice the law the behaviors I have seen cannot be justified through evidence in any third world nation nor in any first world nation. They didn't align to the prior immunity and coaching before they started nor the free pass after they ended (Its not actually over. With a free pass they will be back at it again.)

While I will be polite, positive, engaging and walk boldly in the middle of this agressive clan network, I will continue to walk in ways that help my community I will not be silent in the face of dangerous corruption. I have no doubt that talking in ways that challenge embedded hate where people have already shown the propensity to abuse power will likely result in increased corruption and targeting. I suspect they will eventually succeed in constructing a reason to violate more laws and rules. However, what kind of nation would we be if we accept local corruption as legitimate?

I want my kids to live in a free nation as it was supposed be beyond the lip service of many of our politicians. I want other minorities and people that hate groups like this don't like (based on their own false perceptions of entitlement) to live free without coordinated aggression. There are other needs of the community for protection this judge and associated officers can no longer provide. The proof is in the pudding. We either a free nation or we are not a free nation? Placing politics and/or disparately applying the law to protect one's own ethnic, racial, religious, or political group sort of answers that question. We must be better then the lowest possible position.

I have no doubt in the long run that I will win over this hate but I will likely go through another period of targeting, aggression and potential violence. Not because I'm an optimist but because the behaviors were so egregious, so dishonest, so inherently dangerous that simply pretending they didn't happen is also dangerous. I believe the facts cant be hidden.  I'm doing the right thing by having the adult maturity and the appropriate understanding of the purpose of our Constitution to put my hand up again and say "No!" We must protect the rights of our citizens and people. That includes me even if this group hates Muslims (Just listen to them and you will find they hate anyone not like themselves but they are stuck in a dysfunctional group with inappropriate values.), hates me, and thinks my kids are "nigga babies". 

This is just a local judge helping his "local" buddies with no consideration for the valid application of law. When the perks of the job and the nice suits become more important than the very purpose of the job then wider stakeholders must step in and make a correction. You see how quickly systems break down when you devalue the lives of citizens because they are seen as "the other". They become nonfunctional and/or functionable only for certain people. What happened to the concepts of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness? It looks like in some place that is only for certain clan affiliates. 

(Side note. How this turns out should be of interest to politicians, government administrators, and the American populace.  If such behaviors are allowed it should send a shiver down your spine. It would mean something is seriously broken and we may need to think about how those laws might apply to coordinated hate against their own families. If it is acceptable in one place it can become acceptable in another. Americans need to stick together against the illegitimate legitimization of hate, corruption and extremism in public positions of authority where they put everyone at risk. We either are or we are not what we profess. It is a choice. My loyalties are to my oaths/country, my God, my family and my community.  

To many others their loyalties are to themselves and their social group often defined by racial, religious, social and political factors. Whether far R or far L there should be certain agreed upon principles. At present seems like there are no laws and no moral conscious in place. It does not bode well for the nation if corruption like this is happening across other small towns throughout America. It is what it is!  Doors close to justice but maybe others may open. I never thought selling out your values and your people was so fashionable! Nothing I say at the moment will make much difference but I will now likely say it for the rest of my life until this moral and legal failure is corrected. It is fundamental to our national values. This group has been sent a message that their behavior was acceptable as long as its against the "wrong" type of people. We should see this behavior rear its head again in the future due to lack of checks-n-balances. This would not have been here if the court would have done their job in the first place. ðŸ¤·‍♂️ Even though I have asked for a win-win that helps the perpetrators and the community those comments fall on deaf ears. There appears to be more effort in protecting one's clan than one's country or the universal understand of the laws people believe in.)

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