Saturday, May 21, 2022

Cooking Over an Open Fire in the Upper Peninsula

This seems like a fun little post but sometimes they are kind of educational. I have lots of down branches and brush from an old tree so I called my local DNR to determine if burning personal fires are ok and they said yes. You can check everyday at DNR Burn Restrictions

Threw some chicken with seasoning on and a pot of vegetables with an all metal pan and we are in business. Burning up some old brush, cooking supper and having a good time. 

Delta County Michigan is rural so you have a relatively small town covered by lots of woods. Its normal to have fires around here and cook hot dogs. I'm trying to get a little more into natural cooking with wood. Not as easy because it cooks uneven and the heat intensity changes. You also have to nurse it. 

Our ancestors may have been better at it. Apparently cooking on fire started like 2 Million Years Ago. I suspect wild boar or fish or something. Up here you are still connected to that nature in some ways.

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