Saturday, May 28, 2022

As a Light Right Republican Its Time to Get Guns Out of Schools

Gun reform is necessary and we will see that as more people use them to project outward their inner distortions. I'm a supporter of hunting rifles and self defense guns but do not believe anyone who wants a military assault rifle should have one. As a matter of point, those who want them and often have them aren't the ones who should be carrying them. Let us be wise over this issue and support our long term health over short term profits. The rhetoric has grown and their is intentional inflammation that will be too much for the population to bear (They are seeing people dying it is their right to be angry!). 

The most important  job in society is teaching and schools are underfunded as it is so all the promises aren't going to make a difference this time. Loading our population with killing tools (Guns are tools. Those choice of how to use that tool is up to the handler. Personally, I trust very few people with those tools. Look around and ask yourself, "Do you trust them with a gun?")) and turning schools into prisons isn't going to solve our problems. While some people having guns can help defend against those who are misusing these tools this is not, or should not be, a war zone. More guns in circulation means more people using them (A nice profit I guess.)

Here is what I see. Parents, educators and law makers have an important point to make about 18 year old's walking into stores buying guns and using them. Yes guns are not necessarily evil but they are designed to kill. Knowing what they are designed to kill is important. Killing an intruder maybe ok, killing deer with a permit isn't a problem, killing people as though you are fighting a war....big issue (At least it should be. Some guns are great for the military but not so great for general population. There are risks to our political parties stability which are becoming  increasingly split by separatist mentality and those who profit from conflict. Beware!)!

Yes violent video games and bad parenting are part of the problem. We want to score points and we want to put all the explanation on guns but that is maybe half the solution. The other half is also an issue. So let us take the opinions on both sides and say 1.) some restrictions on military grade assault weapons is needed and so is 2.) some change in how exposed kids are to violence and 3.) where mental health intervention helps in thwarting violence (There is more like tools and tactics of police in dealing with active shooters, hate group extremists, gangs, and civil rights. I have talked about those prior.) 

I don't pander to anyone. Far right extremists who talk of civil war nor to far left radicals who want to remove the Pledge of Allegiance! There are choices we have to make; they aren't even tough choices. I know our leaders don't understand or see the trends that are brewing because if they did they would zip their lips and find solutions. The polarization, mixed with radicalism/violence, American's competitive position, and rapid change in socio-economic-and cultural positioning that will require our institutions to be universally wise. 

If our leaders knew their choices lead to certain outcome they wouldn't be so sure all of their answers are the ONLY answers. We can pray our leader will gain wisdom before their options are limited and everything is a bad choice (In case your wondering. I'm a light right Republican that some may see as a RINO-DINO combo. I wear my rationality with pride! An American before a politician!)

I'm sure if they work together to find solutions they can do it and make meaningful change. I'm equally sure if they feel they want to rip this country in half they can also do that. Two doors and we have to pick one! ⏳

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