Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Judge and Defense Attorney Receives Death Threats in Gov. Whitmer Case-Yep such things go on and on and on!

There isn't much I can say other than I'm happy we are starting to take extremism seriously. Governor Whitmer is a high profile person and has protections that many of us don't often have. As a well known figure that also makes her a target for some groups. When I read the article FBI raids Michigan home after reported threats to judge, lawyers in Gov. Whitmer kidnapping case I find myself perplexed at the audacity of people!

Let me say that I'm a light right Republican and I have seen radicalism on both sides of the perspective. From this article you can't really tell if they are for or against a particular outcome. What I would say is that birds of a feather flock together. We will wait to see who is sending these threats and what their motivations might be (likely once investigators have answers)

Its hard for leaders to make the best decisions when they are being targeted by these extremist groups. It makes no difference the ideology or background. They are people who use power, force and fear to try and force their will onto others. They are not the type to listen to reason and instead love the feeling of power that comes from the fear of harming others. 

These bold moves by radicalized groups (Capitol, MI Gov., or Hometown) is an indication for an increase in violence to solve problems. Different forms of extremism have been common and it wasn't within our mental frameworks to view these groups as dangerous because of our preexisting biases in vantage points (meaning unable to see certain things because of incorrect anchoring.)

It is very difficult to stand up to these types of radical behaviors unless we are able to tackle them in our hometowns. We should recognize that ones position (official or unofficial) in society and their station in life make no difference to who may or may not be involved. 

I have advocated for mental health services for those who do not understand the gravity of their behavior in an attempt to reform (assuming they weren't violent), holding officials accountable whether they are involved or turning a blind eye to such behaviors (sometimes training and sometimes removal), and coming down hard on groups that are actively plotting and planning. 

From a sociological level there are reasons why this is happening and there are many factors that range from life frustration to poor leadership. We have created a context where such behaviors are acceptable depending on who is doing it and who are the targets (Its always the "other"). Its easy to devalue life and the values of others. Its much harder to respect others based on principle. Let's stop rewarding the profane to spite the tame.

Until we change the environment by changing our perspective it will just go on and on and on and on! It will just be in different forms, and places, time and tactics (The race, religion, or party makes no difference. Society is a conversation. It actually is massive interconnected conversation. When positive communication declines and violent rhetoric rises we have begun to split society. Different rules for different people.). You can see the growing rhetoric that seeks to devalue human life and encourage forceful militant style radicalism. Its nice to see that not all of us have given up on a free and enlightened society.

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