Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Current State of National Infrastructure R&D (Innovation With New Voices Tempered by Old Wisdom)


Louisville KY
Keeping up with the infrastructure news. One of the reasons why I have been following this for some time is that hard infrastructure mixed with digital/data infrastructure can create new levels of manufacturing performance through heightened innovation and capability development. That of course is not a given so the infrastructure elements must work together in a way that they build value by enhancing each other's capabilities (i.e. elemental infrastructure). One of the ways in which we can more closely see this would be in a growing local cluster; also known as a broad based macro innovation system that moves beyond specific tech development. (i.e. hence a theory of interactive innovative clusters). They are also places where higher volume and value interactions can occur around various national innovative needs (i.e. aerospace, battery production, EV, robotics, military, etc...). 

In the process of understanding that it is beneficial to watch what is changing in infrastructure. I'm also watching what is going on in Michigan and specifically a development Delta County investment clusters model. They are just ideas that may or may not have merit but is supported in part through a wide range of scientific literature (i.e. meaning each of the pieces seems to be supported in part by the other pieces to create a clustered model of interactive performance.)

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: This is the big bi-partisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passage in 2021 that both Democrats and Republicans supported. It took a minute (slang for a timeframe.) but eventually I think most people got on board. Hard infrastructure when built with the cross benefits of other infrastructure can lead to something called synergy. Its the same thing you might find within a very well managed cluster (i.e. hypothetically) where structures and resources can build with each other to expand their influence through partial cointegration of function. For example harder infrastructure like rails, airports and ports work in conjunction with broadband/data infrastructure and technology to create advanced manufacturing (There are of different cointegrations that can occur but in general its physical with digital/virtual that creates advanced manufacturing. It can also create under the right circumstances lots of start-ups and small businesses.)

If managed well infrastructure (i.e. similar to clusters) can lead to net positives in tax revenue (employment, revenue, lifestyle, education, etc...) as business develop and find greater competitiveness by expanding operations and investing more where they are likely to find higher rates of innovation and manufacturing ROI. Its not possible to really describe some of its complexity in a single post. It might even be possible to determine the general quantitative investment return rate of investments into a solidly designed business environment. (Maybe I should look around and see if someone got anything close in the literature on ROI on synergist infrastructure investments. You can sort of find straight forward advantage of 15% to 45%. See Infrastructure ROI.)

( You may be interested in some related articles. Just read through and let it percolate a little ðŸ¤· Cross Structure Synergy, Economic Hub Synergy, Interactive Economic Hubs, Probability Firm LinkMultiCluster New IndustryPure MichiganDelta County Shipping, Supply Chain ValueRegional Lightning Strike,  Data Infrastructure,  Maintain National Economic Superiority, Out Perform China 2033, Economy Needs FulfillmentEconomic-Social PlatformsStreets of Gold ðŸ¤“)

January 14th, 2022 White House Fact Sheet: Objectives include 1.) increasing high paying jobs, support manufacturing and adjust supply chains to improve upon the U.S. position in the 21st Century; and, 2.) improve equity and racial justice.  You can obtain a pretty solid run down of where the money is going from the release. The vast majority is going to hard infrastructure where when/if national growth is experienced it will have bigger impact because it applies across the economic structure. The Internet is also getting big push which moves us closer to the digital economy. 

Infrastructure Implementation Task Force: There isn't a great way to say it better than to quote, "To coordinate effective implementation across the government and advance the Administration’s priorities, the Executive Order also establishes a Task Force." We are dealing with a lot of money here and having a way to manage that money makes sense (I'm starting to notice some familiar names.💨). Its important to have seasoned members mixed with newer members in government and leadership. Ideas flow best when the enthusiasm of the new is made practical by the experience of the old.

(What one could consider doing in admin it to take a look at engagement levels of Millennials in government and try and find a blend of different ages, demographics, etc. to help build toward a point in the future. Older people have knowledge but often get stuck in their way of thinking while the young have the enthusiasm but don't have the experience to turn good ideas into practical outcomes. Infrastructure is being built in part to bring back manufacturing in physical goods but also should be thinking about future digital goods. We are entering a new era where the physical goods and digital goods will be blended. It may seem philosophical but that is a natural course of development to enhance physical products with value options).

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