Sunday, November 21, 2021

Fred Upton Receives Death Threats: We Should Stand Up to Terrorism and Extremism!

The job of our lawmakers is to make decisions they believe are in the best interest of society.  We  may not always agree but we shouldn't resort to threats of violence just because someone doesn't agree. As soon as people start using violence and threats of violence to force people to vote strictly based on the opinion of others we are not in a healthy place as a nation. The people who support this hate and those who intentionally hype up extremist ARE the problem. Every society and party needs wiggle room to get things done or otherwise we will not be able to make decisions we need to succeed. I suspect those who don't like our nation are clapping with glee as hate rips the rivets out of free choice and governance by the people (Biggest Risks to Society Post Afghanistan)

There is little to no fundamental difference between extremists overseas and the ones making these phone calls (The mechanics are exactly the same and the ideologies very similar. Everything is based on gradation.). I suspect there will be a breaking point where Republicans will stand up and blowback on extremists because they will see it as a real danger to the unity of their their party, its ability to maintain its base, and the future of the nation. Standing on the sidelines prolongs the problem.  

Its helpful to understand that giving into hate and shying away from duties to condemn the threats will embolden the separatists to move onto other targets to control them. Who is next? News reporters, presidents, kids, journalists, teachers, priests (imams, rabbis, etc..), clinics, etc... If you can't see the dysfunction in the voice of this caller then you are blind to the path that will be our undoing. 

Supporting a cause, a viewpoint, or a national vision should never seek to manipulate our political structure through violence....if we accept....we have already lost.

Sadly, it appears that we will have to feel the pain until we have greater many people will be harmed before those standing on the sidelines step in to do the right thing? There is no room for people promoting hate in our politics. Michigan Track and Code Hate Its a slipper slope.......

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