Saturday, November 20, 2021

A Belief in Persistence and the Ability to Overcome- Leadership of Performance versus Leadership of "Connected"

The ability to overcome is rooted into the very nature of survival and environmental mastery. That grit can be seen in college students that stick with it despite the odds, those who have been gang attacked and come back to hold their persecutors accountable, the single mothers who protected their children and made a new life, the people who stand up to wrong even though they did not profit from their actions, and those leaders who were born in the pits of hell and climbed out when 99.9% of people would have never made it a foot off the ground. 

These are the people whom we should strive to look for when building a nation as they are the exceptional. We often reject them for the "connected" simply because they were born into the lap of luxury and had all the things they needed to buy success. Growing nations need to draw new talent and rally them around core principles that define our national values...and in turn our purpose.

Our nation is built off of strivers, thrivers, and those who continue to overcome. We are a people who seek to make the world a better place and bang the bells of freedom to ring for universal rights and human dignity. We shall stand tall and bright against the darkness of incivility and human deprivation.  A light so bright it illuminates the path for others to follow and acts as a guide to a better world.

A persons inherent value to society is in their ability to do good for their people and help their nation reach a more perfect union of action and idealism. It has nothing to do with the station in which they were born. I believe a nation that will succeed must show due respect to all the social classes and allow the best and brightest to move forward to tackle our national problems.

I'm a conservative by nature and I stick close to our central values that are based on core truths that reach back to their origins. I take into account the challenges they have faced and I also take into account those who had everything presented to them and still show signs of potential performance.  Elitism, racism, bigotry, and corruption are a disease in our society and will cause us much pain and harm in the future if not abandoned for ideal more lofty.

Nations are built by the collective striving of its people who seek to pass on the values of freedom from one generation to the next. A Black child and a White child, a Christian child and a Muslim child, a wealthy child and a poor child, a "connected" child and a disenfranchised child, a boy/man or a girl/woman, or Republican or a Democrat ......all have the potential to lead but are judged on their merit and the quality of the character. 

The next time you vote or hire someone for a senior so on their merit and ability and not because they are the "right" candidate with a proper "cultural fit" but because they are the best man/woman to help us achieve something greater.

"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country." JFK

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