Monday, October 25, 2021

Climate Change Coming? Government Agencies Adjust

Climate changes is a big discussion that could have real consequences. Some countries are trying to overcome environmental challenges and some countries are trying to circumnavigate factoring those costs into production/consumption. I've included a few pieces of literature from the news as well as the key points from a number of different government sources such as the White House, Department of Defense (DOD), The Lancet, and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 

Forest Fires
A severe weather pattern?

No matter what your perspective on climate change I think it would be reasonable to believe that protecting our environment is important and making those changes that are feasible and make sense would be in our best interest. 

I'm wondering how the discussion at COP 26 will turn out? COP 26

BBC brought forward some a discussion on trees emitting more CO2 than taking in....'Climate change: Greenhouse gas build-up reached new high in 2020'. CNN put a solid discussion together in 'Report warns of climate change's 'code red' impact on health'. Harvard Gazette also has some additional information 'Viewing climate change as a human health problem'. 

You may want to read the highlights from a number of different agencies and how they are going to deal with climate change. 

DOD Climate Risk Analysis

The DOD Combat Risk Analysis seeks to understand climate change on the American military and how the military can adjust and adapt to those changes. Large scale weather distortions are likely to impact effectiveness and readiness so new training and equipment will likely be needed. That is my guess anyway. 🤔 Read for yourself:

-DOD needs to consider the effects of climate change throughout its networks, systems and activities. 

-Climate change can impact strategic partners like Guam as well as change the artic creating geostrategic competition. 

-DOD mitigation efforts will be outlined in the DoD Climate Adaptation Plan (CAP) as well as the Sustainability Report and Implementation Plan (SRIP).

-Changes might include training for extreme weather but also may include such things as making equipment more weather resistant.

The Countdown The Lancet

Drought Increase
The Lancet

The Lancet provides depth on the topic from researchers in the publication Lancet Countdown . If you don't know anything about the Lancet they publish medical related discoveries of scientists throughout the world. 

You might need to join and login HERE to read the full report:

-Lancet Countdown represents the consensus of leading researchers from 43 academic institutions and UN agencies.

-44 indicators indicate health impacts of climate change and the current health consequences of the delayed/inconsistent responses of countries.

-Need to accelerate green technologies and industries. (This is where clusters may be helpful in accelerating certain developments).

-Infectious illness may increase that include heat vulnerability, food sources, etc...

-Move beyond prediction and into actual action.

White House Climate Change

According to a  October 21st 2021White House Report entitled, 'Report on the Impact of Climate Change on Migration' which is the first time the White House is creating the link between climate change and migration. 

1. 21.5 million people were forcibly displaced each year by sudden onset weather-related hazards between 2008 and 2016
2. Many of those displaced and migrating moving to urban areas.
3. Relationship between climate change, migration, and conflict (This is sort of normal in all species when the environment is disrupted.). 

Department of Homeland Security

1. Safeguard the homeland from current and projected climate change-driven disasters;
2. Inform Americans so that they can adapt to current and projected risks and increase national resilience;
3. Foster resilience, adaptation, and recovery efforts that reduce risk and harm from climate change, and that address associated disparities such as those based on race and income level, pursue environmental justice, and create opportunity for all Americans;
4. Enable a thriving economy that supports our national security and way of life; and,
5. Model sustainable resilience while remaining fully operational despite the impact of climate change on DHS personnel, assets, and facilities.

How do they plan on doing this?

Line of Effort 1: Empower Individuals and Communities to Build Climate Resilience
Line of Effort 2: Build Readiness to Respond to Increases in Climate Driven Emergencies
Line of Effort 3: Incorporate Foresight and Climate Science into Strategy, Policy, Programs, and Budgets
Line of Effort 4: Invest in a Sustainable and Resilient DHS
Line of Effort 5: Develop a Climate of Component resilience plans throughout DHS, which focus on four broad Change-Informed DHS Workforce  

Department of Defense, Office of the Undersecretary for Policy (Strategy, Plans, and Capabilities). 2021. Department of Defense Climate Risk Analysis. Report Submitted to National Security Council.

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