Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Need for Criminal Just Reform Continues: Supporting and Enhancing Policing Through Better Values

Criminal Justice is an important aspect of our lives and people want to trust that system to do the right thing in all circumstances. Sometimes justice becomes perverted by things such as close personal association, financial gain, racism/bigotry, and local politics. A free pass for bad behavior not only damages people but is essentially against our most American principles. 

I've seen it...and I have seen it a couple of times! People make up stories for financial gain by exploiting racial and religious differences and some of the local law enforcement members engage in intimidating behaviors outside of legitimate legal concerns to support their friends and associates. These are crimes and shouldn't be given a wink and nod by anyone; politicians, officials, judges or anyone else. 

O beautiful for Pilgrim feet, whose stern
 impassioned stress

A thoroughfare for freedom beat,
across the wilderness

America, America, God mend thine every flaw
Confirm thy soul in self control,
Thy liberty in law
While these behaviors might seem like they are one off it appears as part of a learned pattern that has  through socialization and prior lack of accountability become "ok". One must wonder how many other victims and how much other corruptions are within the system (There are lots of incentives for this group to engage in these behaviors.)?  At present those other victims have very little value to the local judges and politicians (This is where we see inappropriate bias comingle with other poor values. Institutional trust is based in institutional integrity.)  

Its immoral to turn a blind eye. Others within the community have their own complaints about behaviors of some of these officers and the group in general. No one cares because they are the "super cools" who belong to the right social groups and are protected from being held to account for these behaviors (They aren't cool. They are just a large group of bullies that local judges give a free pass to because of political, racial/religious, and social connections). 

The American Dream is that dream
 of a land in which life should be
 better and richer and fuller for everyone,
with opportunity for each
according to ability or achievement

Any legitimate system must consider the needs of all of societal stakeholders (We are teetering between two types of systems; depending on who you ask. I just happen to be unlucky enough to see the same problem through a couple of different vantage points.). I believe our justice system tries to provide a sense of justice but sometimes there are pockets of warped behavior that are unconstitutional and against the very spirit or our nation.  These warped systems continue on and on because they are unchallenged and those that should be holding them accountable feel its an uphill battle; protecting and serving your citizens and the future of the country isn't a wasted exercise.

Why would I continue to persist regardless of the personal risks to myself? Because I have a value system (...and I'm constantly in debate about what that means in the wider world around me). I have belief in our essential American principles and I don't believe laws should apply subjectively to race, religion, gender, disability, etc... I am not a perfect person but I have a long line of ancestors that supported this country (including myself) and that shouldn't be swept away because of corruption and poor values. 

In 2019 I wrote about whether I might run for politics and what I believe in '9 Important National Issues If I Someday Run for Politics'. What I can say is that I won't sweep under the carpet bad behavior simply because I have a distorted belief in what these laws mean and why people fought for them. In other words, I won't sell out our essential values simply because its "convenient". We have a greater responsibility to our kids (yes my kids too) and to our grand kids to build the best society we can for as many people as we can (I'm not sure how or why that gets distorted. Its been the same issue since the beginning of civilization.)

Our local judges, officials and politicians have a responsibility to stand up for their needs of their people; not just the ones that look like them or vote for them. No idea if I will ever run but I will continue to stand by my principles regardless of the values of those around me (I would find it honorable to be thrown out, targeted, or smeared for standing up for American values. No "Free Pass" for Hate in MI.). I suspect I will continue to put myself in harms way simply by standing for basic American principles and speaking the truth regardless of its popularity rating (What leaders should be doing...and I'm not even sure if I have what it takes to be a leader nor if anyone would actually follow.).

I am a supporter of the good work police do and I want to them to be more effective through long-term strategies that strengthen their communities. That includes ensuring that they are effective in upholding the law in alignment with the Constitution and good moral conscious as well as having the best tools and training needed to catch criminals and bad guys/gals. See Restoring Trust, Dysfunctional Values, Investigating Crimes in Michigan, Refined Personality and Law, Stoic Concept of Justice

Aristotle has a couple of interesting sayings on the importance of justice to society....

It is in justice that the ordering of society is centered.

The weak are always anxious for justice and equality. The strong pay no heed to either.

Aristotle's Conception of Equity 

We have a greater responsibility beyond politics and beyond the needs of our social groups to do what is the best interest of our nation and the next generation. While many of our political figures on both sides have focused on their particular issues and agendas many times they fail to see the compromise in the middle. They are either all this or all that! (Strategic Thinking) Life isn't so simple and choices are not so black and white but poor decision making impacts everyone. I personal don't want to be involved in politics because the events of the last 4 years have shocked and awed me as an American citizen. However, we get back to the question of, "Who else will do it?" Hopefully someone else because that road is long, treacherous, and toxic; likely why we are now struggling to enhance our economic and social position on the world stage. See Greatest Security Risks Post Afghanistan

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