Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Presidents and Welcome.US Help to Resettle New Afghans

The very first fist experiences of resettling new Afghan refugees into the U.S. are important one's for socializing these new comers around the hope and dreams that make America unique. Connecting new immigrants to their host country requires a level of socialization Afghans not only with Muslim communities but also with other religious and ethics groups that are a support to their new life and a full understanding of our national beauty (Opportunities to create real hope and change not only for them but also for us.). The U.S is a place where people of all faiths and backgrounds have an opportunity to be part of an effort to work toward something greater. The children of these immigrants will be born and bred American and will support the development of our nation through their own blends of experiences and ideas. 

This "welcoming" is something of a game changer in the way we "connect" people and how we generate an organic and lasting image for our country (That leads to selling of the American brand as a place of opportunity, business and growth to the different peoples of the world. That can also have an impact on our ability to compete diplomatically and economically.). As a nation where we use our unique backgrounds to support our universal American values we will find strength while countries that are narrowly "homogeneous" might struggle to overcome future challenges. When used properly, and oriented around shared American identities, diversity can be a strength that takes the best of each community to make it better for everyone. 

Companies and people interested in support Afghans can contact Welcome.US

"Resettling our new Afghan neighbors requires a whole-country response. That’s why three former Presidents and three former First Ladies have joined us as leaders of this effort – above all, to lift up everyone else involved and remind us that this is our opportunity, in a time of all too much division, for common purpose."

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