Saturday, March 6, 2021

"The Meeting" Between the Pope and Shia Cleric-5 Letter Word Uttered!

We don't often think that religious leaders like Pope Francis and Shia Muslim cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani have much to do with business success. To the influence of religious leadership it important to understand that such figures are opinion makers that give direction to large swaths "of the faithful". What they say matters in terms of peace and commerce.

History is full of examples where religion was the chisel that created societies (and destroyed some). While religion is pure, people are not always; and some have distorted religious imagery for political gain. "The Meeting" Between the Pope and Shia Cleric sends a prime message of "Peace/Salam" to followers. 

Peace is essential for sustainable economies built off of trade and the free exchange of ideas. Commerce and trade rest on the ease of movement and collective learning that leads to long term innovation (actually peace and overcoming challenge). War not only destroys lives, but also completely disrupts business activity. Religious leaders should consistently pick the path of peace for the health and prosperity of their people.

When media displays images of different religious leaders working together to promote peace they help others grasp the possibility that peace on earth is possible. "The Meeting" acts as a primer for how people of different religions should act toward each other to bring about a world where needless pain and suffering are minimized.

Religion is such a touchy topic with zealots (in each religion) that fail to understand the greater purpose of having these belief systems in the first place. Radicalism (of any religious group) short circuits a greater awareness of the commonalities among peoples of seeming different backgrounds.

I have experience with Catholicism and Islam and find the commonality among different religions. Where we choose to place our emphasis is all up to our personal belief systems and the social environment in which we live. To think for yourself is a difficult thing to obtain; but is a prize worth pursuing. 

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