Sunday, February 28, 2021

Trump Speaks of CPAC-Change is Constant

Watching the political news and changes in the political scene as Trump reengages GOP after leaving office. The Republican party has been through a lot over the past year and there are questions as to where it is headed next (1 party or 2 parties?). It looks like an underlining crack in the party but whether that gets bigger or smaller depends on socio-political changes. I found this posting on socio-political changes to refresh my memory. If you read the preview page it has some cool ideas that put things into perspective of how change in society occurs. HERE. 

The publication discusses patterns of society and its institutions (family, church, political, and economic). When one of them changes they will all change in some way. For example a change in family would impact political and economic aspects of life (Have you watched Game of Thrones? From a more scientific perspective, changing factor T influences B and visa versa. 

Change is constant and change builds off of previous choices. We can project what may happen but we can't be 100% sure. Think of how society has changed in just the past 6 years and how the personalities and beliefs of key leaders influence large swaths of people. Ideas that tap into people's pre-existing beliefs create further alignment/agreement as ideas conceptually blend. There are many different types of power is how we use that power that counts in defining ourselves (your character). 

Smith, S. (1968). A Case Study on Socio-Political Change. Phylon (1960-), 29(4), 380-387. doi:10.2307/274023

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