Sunday, October 4, 2020

Queen City Research Shipwreck Log-October 4th, 2020-Winter Activities and Video

Our team is on the search for the Queen City shipwreck in Delta County Michigan. You can view our Day 1 practice on Youtube HERE. Through the process of shipwreck hunting there are lot of things we need to discuss and understand as a team. It is important to document those discussions through a log and in turn use these as research (for teaching and learning) notes for the future. We also think it would be an interesting share for people who are interested in the topic. 

We conducted a meeting October 4th, 2020 (virtual) to discuss some things about Queen City and the projects over the winter. Some of the bullet points are below:

-Need for 3D Mapping. $5K cost for the equipment and software. We discussed looking for used, borrowing, or alternative strategies (i.e. improving our sonar, deep water camera, etc...). On our "to do" list is to compare and evaluate various alternatives. Our current sonar operates as intended but has some limitations in resolution and range. 

-Funding: We discussed thinking about funding from personal sources, grants, contributions, marketing, etc... Thought of a few sources and might explore those options. There are differences between operational and equipment funding. 

-New Diver and Shipmate: New diver that can help out or come when a member isn't available. We will have to meet him. Skill and personality are important in taking on anyone to a ship. When things go bad we want someone easy to work with. 

-Exposure and Stakeholders: We discussed the video, putting on a public PPT, a contact of his that might be able to find some resources, tourism stakeholders, emails, etc...

-Misc. Tasks: We are going to use our nautical maps focus on putting in precise coordinates and locations where previous researchers left off and where we want to pick up. Think about a plan for day, cost, how far, fuel, equipment, etc...

Other Ships: There are 5 ships we can keep an eye out for. We may end up finding a different ship and we should incorporate this into our strategic plan. If we find another ship we would consider stopping to document the ship and its location for further exploration. 

Laws and Confidentiality: We discussed the risks of letting people know where the site is at until we have video taped the ship (once its found), description of artifacts, measurements, and other details to share with State of Michigan (for an extraction permit) and special collections for historical societies/museums that may be a final resting place.

You can always check out our video we made. Feel free to share. Here is the link.

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