Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Join Corozon De Vida Monthly Membership for Orphans

I've done a little work for these kids and try to help this organization as much as possible. As I get older I get more involved in direct support. They do a great job working on raising these kids and funding orphanages in Mexico. It is important to remember that there is no funding for orphanages from the government so it is left to churches, private donors, and non profit organizations. Some orphanages have nothing and some have much more.

Chewy Getting a Walk
They do more than create commitment to these kids they create a sense of family and also try and send them to college after. The orphanage becomes their home. Spending sometime in a Catholic boarding school and from a difficult early childhood where love was almost always in short supply I can say that I understand these kids and want to to much more to help them in the future. That also includes others kids within the U.S. that have opportunities to truly grow and develop their talents.

HERE is the site for monthly donations or one time donations.

HERE is my site I donate money to from my good works business Escanaba Polo Mallet Company.

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