Wednesday, July 8, 2020

FBI Director Christopher Wray Discusses China-Ideas on How to Improve a National Response

FBI Director Christopher Wray discussed the growing problem and nearly 50% of  active counter-intelligence cases that impacts economic activities in the U.S. Increases of 1,300% of data theft have been seen as of late. Using military and non-state hackers to target information areas for exploitation.  Chinese data theft activities are coordinated and must eventually be evaluated centrally to find associations between knowledge and information. Some people are being swept up within the national grinding of cultures without actually knowing it. As the threat looms on their is increasing need to find successful strategies.

The Chinese have been stealing information for a long time...perhaps even beyond 2 decades. We know that because there have been targeted theft to large databases. You can kind of look at the dates and sort of figure out what type of information they are trying to access and cross analyze when you conduct an environmental scan.  That information is being sifted and scoured to gather intelligence on people and in turn influence their competitive stance.

Think of this as as a large scale method of finding, attracting, and gathering information in inadvertent smaller ways that lead to the creation of large data bases and development of complex models.

One reason why the Chinese have been doing this and others have not been so successful is because they have a central Communist Party with a structured hierarchy. That allows for faster copying and adaptation but it doesn't necessary improve "innovation". Innovation comes from clusters and networks where individuals have more freedom to explore ideas and act on them. Research supports Capitalism, exploration, motivation, and market driven innovation for leaps in development. However, having more top-down control can take and act on existing information more quickly making the nation hungry for new information.

FBI Director Christopher Wray discusses China espionage.

National Security Advisor Robert C. O’Brien's Comments

Here are a few not well thought out ideas......(this is a blog not an academic journal 👀)

1. Invest in Data Storage: Block chain and other methods that disperse and encrypt large data without slowing down recall can help improve protection.
2. Update Data Infrastructure: Create improved data infrastructure (as well as other essential infrastructure) to improve protection and movement of resources.
3. Invest in Universities: Ensure that universities are integrating more science into their curriculum for higher technology type work.
4. Recruit Diversely into the Intelligence Community: Recruit from a wide range of people for intelligence positions. Innovation doesn't come from one way of thinking and solving problems means data "crunchers", actors, artists, scientists, psychologists, diversity (ethnic, religious, racial) and much more. Think in terms of functional teams.
5. Foster the Gifted: Foster the gifted and advanced individuals so that you can improve innovation in industry as well as make the intelligence community leap beyond current abilities. When necessary they have the ability to solve novel problems and find moving patterns in large data sets to make predictive modeling.
6. Tap Big Data: Have a better understanding of Big Data, AI, and other methods of making sense of large amounts of data.
7. Fund Academic Research: Fund research on certain projects that will help the entire level improve.
8. System Thinking Managers/Leads: If you are going to run an intelligence network you need system thinkers that can impact and adjust entire chains of functioning as well as understand foreign chains.
9. Partner: Partner with other nations on crucial projects and be willing to create win-win vs win-lose situations.
10. Foster Core American Principles: Foster core American principles as well as "Intelligence Principles" based on strong inner values and commitment to the bigger principles of American values and the advancement of society in large.
11. Management Structure: Create a management structure where central processes exist but there is exploration of ideas when they are relevant to a case.
12. Ask Academics to Help: Asking and partnering with universities/academics can make a big difference in extending the power of our intelligence community exponentially.
13. Training Military/Academic Thinking: Adjust training to include different ways of looking at information through partnerships that create training that pushes people to break molds of thinking.

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