Saturday, October 20, 2018

Small Town Marketing is Different Than Large International Companies

While there are principles that will be the same in both small and large town marketing I'm surprised by how the channels are remarkably different in modern times.  Small businesses need visitors within a small range while national/international businesses need as wide a market as they can get within their specific demographic. This creates two fundamentally different approaches.

Small Business: Needs local advertising in newspapers, flyers, local sponsorship, local tv channels, business cards, billboards, and word of mouth. There is some need to ensure popular mapping apps like Google Maps shows your location as people will find you from there.

Large International/National Businesses: Rely on national/international newspapers, online marketing methods, national TV channels, and overall wide exposure outlets.

Fundamentally one focuses all the channels specific to their local area while the other seeks to create wide reach. While some local advertising, such is the case of Red Bull sponsorship of local events, makes sense, for many businesses this strategy is unlikely to work. This is why those businesses often create a general brand for the bigger market without specifically pointing to a particular store.

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