Monday, January 8, 2018

Pheasant Hunting Tips from a Seasoned Guide!

Few things are as joyful when compared to spending time in nature and enjoying a good hunt. While passing through Colorado I came across a nice guided hunt about an hour south of Denver. Let me just say that while the hunt was not cheap at $225 I will say that it offered a pretty good lesson in pheasant hunting by guides that have been chasing these birds for decades.

Of course I didn't pass up the opportunity to tap the brain of the guide and get a few tips.

1.) Look for a solid food source and cover. Places that were recently farm fields with corn and alfalfa seem to attract the birds. They can find food and a place to hide.

2.) Bird dogs help immensely in flushing them out without nearly stepping on them. While you certainly can hunt without dogs you will be doing a lot of walking because you need to almost step on them to scare them out. Trust can't see them until they move.

3.) Pheasant don't fly very far so you can create rounding circles that heard them to a place of your choosing if you miss the shot. Take note of where they come down and hide. It should be within your eyesight.

4.) The birds love to hide on the ridges toward the top of the hill. It wasn't explained to me why this
was the case but they seem to gravitate toward the sunny side of the slope.

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