Tuesday, November 21, 2017

1 in 10 Americans Don't Enough Fruit and Vegetables- How to Fix the Problem

According to a study from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention only 1 in 10 Americans eat enough fruits and vegetables. The recommended dosage is 1.5 to 3 cups a day. Because so many people die from diseases that relate to food intake such as heart diseases, obesity, and cancer it is important for us to work on the problem. There are a few things we can do that can help lessen the problem.

1.) Let people know where their food comes from. We are too far removed from the farm and purchase all of our food in stores. Fruits and vegetables competes with less quality foods.

2.) Make fresh fruits and vegetables more accessible and cheaper. Fresh fruits and vegetables are expensive and trying to purchase then, versus other cheaper sources of foods, can be time and cost consuming.

3.) Mix more fruit and vegetables in our easy to prepare foods. We Americans are lazy and if we want them to eat more healthy stuff then you are going to need to make it easy to prepare.

4.) Teach people how to cook again. Learning to cook improves quality and value of the food.

5.) Encourage people to start home gardens. Get people back to growing food in their backyard as an additional source.

6. Make sure fruits and vegetables are present in all restaurants, buffets, schools and dining.

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