Friday, April 28, 2017

Staying Focused on Simple Goals

The key to eloquence is simplicity. Whether your goals are personal or professional, success comes from simplicity. Having a few goals and focusing on them each day makes a big difference in whether you are able to achieve them.

We may have lots of things to  accomplish but only have limited time. With this in mind, we have to keep our goals succinct and to the point. We don't have the resources to accomplish everything so we should try and put our energies into things that have the highest returns.

Let's say you have many goals but can't seem to squeeze in enough effort to get them all done. It is much better to put your energy into a few than waste energy on many. For example, my goals might be career, business, health, and social.

No doubt these are a lot but the hope is to create a well diversified life. In order for me to do these I will narrow them down and seek to combine them as much as possible. Business and social can go together in some activities and I should seek out these activities that shoot two birds with one stone.

Each day you engage in the activities that lead to greater achievement of these goals. Hit the gym in the morning, focus on exceeding expectations and raising awareness in your career, and connect with people at events a couple times a week.

The best advice I can give is get rid of all other distractions and streamline.

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