Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Internalized Genius of Innovation and Country Patents

The lone-genius has a place in American history through individualistic underpinnings. The lone-genius is a not well understood phenomenon and their impact on society is even less understood. According to a study in the Journal of International Marketing the lone-genius makes solid contributions through innovation that contributes to firm commercialization and exports (Shaffer, Chastagner, & Umesh, 2016). Greater awareness of their process of discoveries can lead to higher economic development.

Genius and innovative discovery are based in the context of society. If the environment is open to new ideas, socially accepting, and not overly critical, creativity can flourish. Inventions and new patents rise as people are willing to take risks to explore new ideas and outcomes.

Some discoveries can't be easily quantified but can make a lasting impact on society. For example in Schumpeter's discussion of lone genius it is possible for them to trigger through discovery disruption through the butterfly effect that permeates throughout society (Schumpter, 1934).

Therefore, the lone genius is not a unimportant aspect of developing a modern economy. He/she is the innovator, entrepreneur and discoverer that leads to great things. The discoverer must go through some processes to make creative breakthroughs such as preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification (Kaufman, 2013).

There is much background work that includes research and study to create a knowledge base. This information creates incubation of ideas and thoughts that eventually are brought forward to the conscious and then verified through research. One verification occurs the ideas can be used for commercialization or added to the general body of knowledge.

To be productive the genius must work using three different mental networks that include executive, imagination, and salience. Executive is our focus, imagination is our ability to make connections among seemingly unrelated material, and salience is our ability to move between inward and outward cognition.

The study helps us come to a greater understanding of the nature of lone-wolf genius and how it contributes to society outside of traditional firm type work. Genius works in a receptive environment through the use of previous knowledge and the exportation of new ideas. When ability to use different mental paths is mastered the genius becomes more productive. On a national level we should encourage genius and exploratory behavior to come to greater inventiveness and economic output.
Kaufman, Scott Barry (2013), “The Real Neuroscience of Creativity,” Beautiful Minds (blog), Scientific American, (accessed February 1, 2016), [available at http://blogs.scientificamerican. com/beautiful-minds/the-real-neuroscience-of-creativity/].

Shaffer, M. Chastagner, K. &Umesh, U. (2016). Internationalizing-Innovation Profiles and High-Technology Exports: Does Lone GeniusMatter? Journal of International Marketing, 24 (3).

Schumpeter, J.A. (1934), The Theory of Economic Development, trans. Redvers Opie. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.

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