Saturday, August 6, 2016

Impressionist Art as a Gateway to Creative Capital

Our global economy requires a higher level of creative capital to create new products and services. New ideas don't come from the redundancy of thinking and relies heavily on solving complex problems in unique and creative ways. Impressionist art helps people make a fundamental shift from seeing to feeling that can be applied to a corporate environment.

It is probably one of the last things you think about when you visit an art gallery. People look at these odd, perhaps seen as bad, paintings and think, "what is that all about?". Maybe some will feel something while others might completely discard their value. Behind each painting is a deep thought process that connects experiences, feelings, and ideas in a creative way.

Preparing a highly technical and specialized workforce was once great for an industrial society. That has nearly changed now. Specialization is still beneficial but isn't the primary need of the country at this time. We need creative people who can solve problems and come up to new solutions to old problems.

Traditional learning teaches us to do things the way they have always been done. We get better and faster when we become higher trained and more knowledgeable. It doesn't necessarily shift the foundations of our thought but only improves upon existing processes. New thought requires  level of creativity that is difficult to find in our current educational programs.

When experience, creativity and knowledge/education come together and rolled up in some motivation like a healthy sandwich great things can happen. Our experience lets us know what works and doesn't work in the real world, our creativity makes new connections, and knowledge/education provides us useful frameworks.

The missing component for many executives and workers is creativity. This can be learned but is also an innate trait that is enhanced through practices. Impressionism isn't about what you see but what you feel. Therefore. learning to connect the bigger impression together without having worry about perfect pictures takes a unique skill set.

Sitting in the boardroom rehashing old ideas may work  sometimes but won't put a company on the next level of development. That requires a paradigm shift that comes from thinking about things in a new way. This is difficult to do if you haven't developed, or hired, the right creative capital to get things done.

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