Thursday, June 23, 2016

Senge's Five Disciplines For Training and Development

Peter Senge offers five principles of training in his book The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook. He discusses how coaching and learning can build better organizations. We often focus on the output of our products without improving on the organizational structure that allows people to adapt to higher models and created even greater functioning that leads to long-term outputs. In our process we forget that all business starts with people and improving the capacity of those people to engage in meaningful work.

 Learning is a process of development and improvement. It takes time and it takes the right kind of environment to do well. Companies that can create learning environments can better improve upon their organizational capacities. In the long run training and developing, whether formal or informal, has a large impact on organizational success.

The Five Disciplines.....

Shared Vision: Let people see the vision you have created.

Challenge Models: Poor and outdated models must be updated for greater learning.

Systems Thinking: Help people connect how things in their environment fit with a larger system.

Understand Self and Opportunities for Growth: Help people understand their strengths, weaknesses and where they can grow.

Open Communications: Create an environment where people can grow and develop.

Senge, Peter M., et al. (1994). The fifth discipline fieldbook: strategies and tools for building a learning organization. New York: Doubleday.

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