Thursday, April 14, 2016

San Diego's New $3.3B Budget-Does it Make Sense?

San Diego's Mayor Kevin Faulconer  will announce and release his new budget today. Some information is out there already but much will need to wait until it has been officially disclosed. The focus in the budget includes infrastructure, environment/climate, human capital improvements. It is important to see if this budget makes sense and is a balanced approach to the needs of San Diego.

I am for infrastructure improvements. Dilapidated roads and sidewalks take their toll on neighborhoods. Improvement in neighborhood and business infrastructure can make a difference in opportunities for economic growth. Infrastructure improvement should focus on the development of the foundations of the economy and our quality of living.

There is some discussion on keeping libraries open and more employment training programs. These seem like a good idea considering that there are many American families that are suffering to get a step up in life. Community centers offer a safe place for people to enjoy and training raises the human capital of the city which is beneficial for employment.

We only get one environment and San Diego is an environmental city. Protecting parks, improving water management, and create a more aesthetic city is helpful in not only protecting our environment but also encouraging people to invest and stay in the city. We have an opportunity to show what "green" cities do and capitalize on natural interest and local industries.

No budget is going to be perfect. There will be lots of things that can be tweaked and changed. It may not even be enough to meet all of the needs of the city. However, raising the budget without having a sustainable way to pay for it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. We should ensure the budget does the most good and maximize tax payer dollars.

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