Friday, October 2, 2015

4 Things Every Student Should Consider When Picking a Field of Study

Far too many students just pick a degree and stick with it until they graduate not realizing whether or not they will be successful in those careers. Sometimes they pick degrees for the right reason while at other times they could be picking those degrees based upon faulty information and social influence. There are 4 things every entering college student should consider when picking their degree.

1.) What Jobs Are In Demand: Looking at the job market can help students understand what fields snatch up graduates and how much they pay them. Having a solid understanding of the market is helpful in making sound financial decisions.

2.) Where the Student's Skills Lay: Students should look back at their natural interests and skill sets beyond their social networks.  Finding careers that fit with their natural self will likely serve them most of their lives.

3.) Careers with Options: Sometimes one particular job drys up but there is possibilities of going into related fields. Students should consider the different avenues they can take in their careers from their chosen field of study.

4.) Education and Career: Considering the level of education needed to enter a field is important for selecting the right career. Sometimes a certificate from a local community college while at other times a minimum requirement is an advanced degree.

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